New date: 3. to 6. September 2020 IWA OUTDOOR CLASSICS 2020 in Nürnberg


In view of the increasing spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and taking into account the principles for risk assessment of major events adopted by the crisis management group of the German government and the current recommendation of the Bavarian State Government for international exhibitions, NürnbergMesse has decided to postpone

IWA OutdoorClassics 2020 to Thursday, 3 September until Sunday, 6 September 2020.

More information here.





Weihrauch HW 97 K Air Rifle Wins Hard Air Magazine’s HAM Gold Award

Hard Air MagazineQuality, Usability, Value and Performance. These are the key decision points for anyone buying an air rifle.

Now, for the first time, these factors are all taken into account in HAM Awards – a rating system that allows airgun buyers to make real “like for like” comparisons between different air rifles.

Hard Air Magazine (HAM) specializes in detailed test reviews of airguns and related products. Read more

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